Credit accounts
Enabling and disabling tokens

Enabling and disabling tokens

Enabling non-quoted tokens

To enable a token as collateral, the following ICreditFacadeV3Multicall function must be encoded in a multicall:

/// @notice Enables token as account's collateral, which makes it count towards account's total value
/// @param token Token to enable as collateral
/// @dev Enabling forbidden tokens is prohibited
/// @dev Quoted tokens can only be enabled via `updateQuota`, this method is no-op for them
function enableToken(address token) external;


MultiCall[] memory calls = new MultiCall[](1);
calls[0] = MultiCall({
    target: address(creditFacade),
    callData: abi.encodeCall(ICreditFacadeV3Multicall.enableToken, (token))

Disabling non-quoted tokens

To disable a token as collateral, the following ICreditFacadeV3Multicall function must be encoded in a multicall:

/// @notice Disables token as account's collateral
/// @param token Token to disable as collateral
/// @dev Quoted tokens can only be disabled via `updateQuota`, this method is no-op for them
function disableToken(address token) external;


MultiCall[] memory calls = new MultiCall[](1);
calls[0] = MultiCall({
    target: address(creditFacade),
    callData: abi.encodeCall(ICreditFacadeV3Multicall.disableToken, (token))

On enabling quoted tokens

Only non-quoted tokens can be enabled and disabled manually. Quoted tokens are only enabled when a non-zero quota is set for them, and disabled when their quota is zeroed (as allowing enabling/disabling these tokens manually can break quota interest computations). Calling enableToken or disableToken for them will do nothing.

Automatic enabling and disabling of non-quoted tokens

Both Credit Facade and adapter calls track token balances after the operation is executed, and enable/disable the token according to the change. If the token's balance changes from 0/1 to larger than 1, it is enabled automatically. If the token's balance is changed from larger than 1 to 0/1, it is disabled automatically. This means that, generally, manually enabling and disabling tokens after swaps through adapters or operations like withdrawCollateral is not required.

Max collateral token number

Each Credit Manager has a maximal number of enabled collateral tokens per Credit Account (this is done to ensure that liquidations cannot get too expensive). This encompasses both non-quoted and quoted tokens (remember that quoted tokens are enabled when they have a positive quota). If the number of enabled collateral tokens exceeds the maximum during the collateral check, the entire multicall is reverted.

Keeping disabled tokens on the account

It is advised not to keep non-zero balances on the Credit Account for disabled tokens, or at least make sure that the account is healthy when doing that. Because totalValue during liquidations is computed based on enabled tokens only, the liquidator is able to withdraw all disabled token balances on top of their normal premium.